Blogging begins to pay off...
Although I don't think anyone actually looks at this on any regular basis, aside from myself, I found out that Blogging was paying off yesterday. When I got back to my desk at lunch I noticed I had a voicemail (peculiar). I punched in my code and it said the voice mail was from some extention I had never heard before (more peculiar). I pressed the play button and immediately heard an old friend's voice over the line (very peculiar).
It seems that a friend of mine from college, whom I haven't talked to in nearly 2 years now (due almost entirely to my inability to keep up with long distance friendships) is coming to Austin for a few days and wanted to look me up. He tried several common friends to get my contact info, to no avail. Finally, he punched Richard Curtis Johnson into a search engine and found my blog. Noticing in my earliest post that I was working for NI he called up the front desk and asked to speak with me, and voila all my questions were answered.
Anyway, fun annecdote.
The implications and effects of this entry are quite funny, honestly. First off, I didn't even know you had a blog until you left a comment on my recent wedding post. I used to check your old .is-a-geek site periodically, but it finally went the way of the dodo. Needless to say, I've added you to my RSS aggregator.
Hope NI is treating you well,
Dan Thill
10:22 AM
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