Next week on "The Young and the Restless"
So, in the ongoing saga of the slow death of my laptop, I stopped by Best Buy today to talk with a manager about the fact that their original estimate is now 100% wrong. Not only did they tell me I would have my laptop back after around 10 days, but now that it has been 20, they don't know when I will get my laptop back. It could be as much as 8 weeks total time... (UGH!) So, anyway, if I'm a little short & infrequent, blame it on Best Buy.
On a completely unrelated note, I'd like to take a moment to discuss "The Apprentice" for a minute. If you're ever looking for a classic picture of someone being railroaded, and cannot find any homeless people & a set of nearby railroad tracks, look no further than last Thursday's debacle on "The Apprentice". Now, granted, Mary J. was a nuicance at best, a hindrance at worst, and really only there because Trump's got a thing for models, but to say that "I was the most afraid I have ever been in my life," is a complete and utter lie. Honestly, I can't believe she survived last week, but thanks to the "Bradford incident" she scathed by. Anyway, I'm just babbling at this point...but let me end with this. Very soon, I'll be providing my top ten picks for the show, and then we can have the fun of seeing how terribly wrong I was.